Once the Court of Appeal appoints an attorney to represent you in your appeal, you’ll be mailed an order appointing counsel with your attorney’s name, and you can begin communicating with your attorney about your case. If you haven’t received an order appointing counsel, you can check whether you’ve been appointed an attorney by looking up your case on the Court of Appeal’s website or by contacting FDAP.
Below are four ways to find contact information for your attorney. Note that, even where you have the option of contacting your attorney by phone or email, it’s generally best to communicate with your attorney by letter, because this method is the most confidential.
1. Check the order appointing counsel for your attorney’s mailing address and email.
2. Look up your case on the Court of Appeal’s website by entering your appeal number on the website’s “Search” page. (If you have an adult criminal case, you can also look up your case by entering your name.) Your appeal number will have the letter “A” followed by six numbers, i.e., A######, and can be found on the order appointing counsel. Once you’ve located your case, click on the “Parties and Attorneys” tab to see your attorney’s mailing address.
3. Look up your attorney’s contact information through the California State Bar’s website by entering your attorney’s name or bar number on the website’s “Attorney Search” page. Your attorney’s bar number can be found on the order appointing counsel.